Just a little bit domestic

So today with my fabulous new meal plan (less blocks + more DinExtra = more choices) I bought bread and jam and plastic wrap to complement the peanut butter I already had. I had two options of bread in Entropy (our on campus convenience store). Weird doughy white squishy bread or whole wheat. Whole wheat was my obvious California choice. But what to do? There were 22 slices of bread in the package, more than I could possible eat by myself before it went yucky! Oh, no! Except….

Frozen Bread

I froze it! Not all of it, a girl needs her pb&j in the morning, but 18 of the 12 slices have been committed to the hilariously tiny freezer. But tiny can be cool:

Freezer/Fridge door

As you can see by my mad stylin’ refrigerator magnetes. I looked up many websites to make sure I was packaging my bread in the right way. Though most artisan bakers devoted hardly a sentence to store-bought preservation, I found several very helpful websites on the subject.

My strategy? I double wrapped each 6 piece bread grouping in clear-plastic wrap and then placed them higglty-pigglty around the freezer (turning them periodically will prevent freezer burn = facilitate more even freezer burn). Being a serious logistical dork, I decided even groupings would allow me to defrost on a weekly cycle (assuming I don’t have mad pb&j cravings which cause me to eat more than 3 sandwiches in a week).

You know you need a more challenging Math class when…

Anyhoo, have a great day!

“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”

PS: don’t you love how the computer camera reverses everything? The magnates Left to Right read: “Grant me patience Lord, but hurry”, “Fortune love you” Edgar: King Lear, V, i, “We Can Do It!”, “I have bursts of being a lady but it doesn’t last long” Shelly Winters, and “My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance”) 😀

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