Traveling Like Robert Frost Rode Birches

It’s probably the sleep-deprivation, but I’ve been hearing this line from Birches running over and over in my head for a while:

I’d like to get away from earth awhile
And then come back to it and begin over.

Sitting here in my spare rented room in the Maadi suburb of Cairo, my mind feels free. It smells like my first summer living alone in New Jersey for the Westminster Choir Camp: thin cotton sheets, well-swept floor, white plaster walls. Freedom.

I’ve shaken myself so out of my usual context I can see what I’m like without the props of habit. I’ve committed to a week of awareness and learning without school. I’ve gotten away from earth awhile.

Inspirational Quote:

“Half the fun of the travel is the esthetic of lostness.”–Ray Bradbury

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