9 Signatures to Go!

Reaching OutI’ve been waiting for this. The petition I wrote for the Project to End Human Trafficking (PEHT) to post on change.org has nearly 1000 signatures. To avoid spamming a city council which has been nearly unanimously supportive, we didn’t take the option to have every signature = an email to a councilmember.

Instead, once we hit 1000, PEHT and I will be sending an email to each councilmember, letting them know that people from around the globe and around the corner are asking them to make Pittsburgh the first city in the US to comprehensively address human trafficking in massage parlors.

And with nine signatures to go until 1000, I think we might be sending that email today.

Inspirational Quote:

We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action. ~Frank Tibolt

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