Keeping track of trapeze tricks

I’d been singing in choirs for much of my life before I realized I couldn’t remember all of the names of all of the pieces I’d learned. I’ve kept some records since then, but every now and then I’ll hear a piece in a movie and remember–oh! the summer when I was 15 in New Jersey!

I’ve recently started doing flying trapeze and want to keep a record of the tricks I’m learning. So far in 4 classes I’ve learned:

  • Knee hang
  • Back flip
  • Heels off whip
  • Set straddle whip

I’ve learned to catch (that is, be caught) from the knee hang and the heels off whip. Here’s my newest trick, the set straddle whip:

Inspirational Quote:

“I’ve been doing lots of trapeze, and so much of it is holding your own weight.”–Patina Miller

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