A Chili’s Journey

I love cooking, but some weeks I just want to get it over with. This week, I had a picnic for work, a weekend at my fiance’s house, and my own lunches for the next week to cook for.

So I made chili. My chili can be a chip-dip, a pasta-sauce, a soup, or a meal in and of itself. This week, I spent 3 hours on Wednesday making a huge pot, and then packaging it in two tightly-closed plastic tins.

Four days later, I’m down to one tin, and have fed about half-a-dozen people in whole or part.

I’ve never met so versatile a food-type, and boy did I appreciate it this week.

Inspirational Quote:

“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go.  I travel for travel’s sake.  The great affair is to move.”–Robert Louis Stevenson

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