Drip. Drip. Drip.

This week I entered enough tweets into @Polaris_Project’s HootSuite to sent out a tweet at 9am every morning from next Monday until Thanksgiving. In addition to awakening my RSI, this process helped me finally find a satisfying metaphor for Twitter: drips into a bucket.

Each drop is all itself, and does not need to be part of a defined trickle. But all together, after a time, they fill a bucket. This kind of incremental output is made infinitely easier by the conversations Twitter users play in. Every time I look at a feed and think “Oh God, what will I write?” I find inspiration is what a follower or someone I am following says.

To date, all of my time on Twitter has been tweeting for @Polaris_Project and @Careerimp. But as of today, I have my own account: @JessiDG. I am still setting up my account and setting my pace so please bear with me. Twitter has helped me write more concisely, think in headlines, and predict conversation flow. If for nothing else, I think Twitter has done well by me for these things.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Tweet. Tweet. Tweet.

Inspirational Quote:

“The qualities that make Twitter seem inane and half-baked are what makes it so powerful” – Jonathan Zittrain

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