FeelingElephants Featured on LA Times Presidential Race Blog

Today FeelingElephants is one of the eight blogs quoted about tonight’s presidential debates in the LA Times Presidential Race blog, TopOfTheTicket.

The quote has never actually appeared on FeelingElephants because I wrote it just for that TopOfTheTicket but here it is!

“I think these debates will be a moment of crystallization of the candidate’s images. They have each been fighting to define the story arch of this campaign cycle and I believe in this debate we will hear the final versions of their campaign’s meta-narrative.

“More importantly, we’ll see if Obama had a good reason to avoid debating McCain in his proposed series of town-hall meetings–popular wisdom is that he can’t win a wonkish debate.”

I’m a big fan of TopOfTheTicket (as you’ve probably guessed from my frequent linkings to it) and I hope you check out the post today!

Inspirational Quote:

So, right now we don’t even know if we’ll have a presidential debate tonight between the guy from the Democratic machine that has ruled Cook County since just after the dinosaurs migrated to Wisconsin and the guy who’s been in Washington a quarter-century and says, no, he’s the one representing change.
Andrew Malcolm

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