New Investigators: Theory & Systems

Sherlock: Tracking Down Propagating Problems in Distributed Systems

This presentation addressed next generation issues with tracking down problems within a distributed system. Watching the presenters interaction with the audience after the event I am sure that she and her team have gained some new connections. That is one of the impressive joys of the Hopper Conference: women who are junior, grad student, new hires, everyone can present and if they impress they may get to have conversations with women who will change their lives. And the junior people can influence the lives of the senior women as well.

To paraphrase Fran Allen, Hopper gives women a place to make the path easier for those who follow.

It’s Not Magic: I Can Prove It

This was fascinating. I have grown up hearing about bleeding edge physics from my father and outside of Stanford Linear Accelerator Center I have rarely seen someone so passionate about advanced Quantum Physics. With the exception of some Labs in my High School physics class I have never heard a presentation which more effectively made simple that which is complicated. See the slides on the GHC Wiki–it is fabulous!

Kudos Kudos and more Kudos to Ms Tafliovich–I look forward to reading her work.

Inspirational Quote:

“Leaders of the future will have to be visionary and be able to bring people in – real communicators. These are things that women bring to leadership and executive positions, and it’s going to be incredibly valuable and incredibly in demand.Anita Borg

Jessica Dickinson Goodman

Official GHC 2007 Blogger
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