I have conquered Unix!

Ok, not Unix as a whole, but command line with shell scripts, yes, I have conquered it. For months I was sketched out by a tiny bit of code which presented itself as a text document in my jbpm download.

cd bin
./run.sh -c jbpm

I had no flashing idea what that was about. I didn’t really know about command line or unix commands. Like a lot of relative n00bs I talked to my computer (Amelia is her name) mostly through her GUI. Now, she’s a beautiful Mac, so we rarely have miscommunication issues though I rarely talk to her directly. But today, I figured it out! I must admit the process started a month or more ago when my stepdad worked through the commands with me over the phone (thank you so much!) but it took Computing at Carnegie Mellon for me to really get command line. There is something to be said about a class which is so low level all of the student know almost all of the material already. But for C@CM one of the few topics which was not obsequiously boring was Unix commands. Here are the online notes which I used. In class we moved from directory to directory, changed access rights, fiddled with file location and silly stuff like that. But it taught me what it was supposed to: the principal behind command line.

Horray for some redeeming social value!

And once I got those commands, I could run jBPM on Amelia, I created processes, deployed them, successfully manipulated them through the web interface, downloaded other people’s processes and played with them–so small a thing made so much difficult.

Anyhoo, have a great night!

Inspirational Quote:

Indecision may or may not be my problem.
– Jimmy Buffett

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